EPANET-Users, an electronic mailing list

EPANET-Users mailing list

EPANET is a FREE computer program that performs extended period 
emulation of hydraulic and water quality behavior within drinking water 
distribution systems. It tracks the flow of water in each pipe, the 
pressure at each pipe junction, the height of water in each storage 
tank, and the concentration of a substance throughout a distribution 
system during a multi-time period simulation.

In addition to substance concentrations, water age and source tracing 
can also be performed. The water quality module of EPANET is equipped 
to model such phenomena as reactions within the bulk flow, reactions 
at the pipe wall, and mass transport between the bulk flow and the 
pipe wall.

The accompanying documentation describes how to use the EPANET program 
on a personal computer under both DOS and Microsoft Windows. Under 
Windows the user is able to edit EPANET input files, run a simulation, 
display the results on a color coded map of the distribution system, 
and generate additional tabular and graphical views of these results. 

EPANET is being made available to the public and is specifically 
targeted at drinking water utilities, consulting engineers, regulatory 
agencies, and university programs who are concerned about maintaining 
high drinking water quality in distribution systems. EPANET can be 
used to determine how changes in design and operation of distribution 
systems will affect water pressures, loss of disinfectant residual, 
growth of disinfection by-products, blending of different source 
waters, and residence times of water in the system. 

The following is the WWW address from which EPANET software 
can be downloaded at no charge:
or from 
  EPA's ORD Bulletin Board System (513/569-7610, 9600:8:N:1)

To subscribe to the EPANET-Users mailing list, email to:

Just include the following info (no signature):
  subscribe epanet-users Your Name

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There you will find lots more information, including the Septic Tank page, Sewers of London history and a link to the Thomas Crapper page.